Monday 25 September 2017

Why the Glow Worms Glow

Over 4 million years ago the glow worms were getting eaten by flies because they had lost their glow. However the glow worms were smart but not smart enough. These not so smart glow worms were getting eaten in the hundreds because they had the best tasting meat on them in the whole cave. But one day came a green spiky dragon who had lost his big poka dot egg because it was dark. So the glow worms knew where the egg was so they made a plan. The plan was to light up the way for the dragon to find his egg. It was tricky to get their glow on but they thought if they all worked together and worked really hard they could do it. So they squeezed as hard as they they could and slowly their glow came back. The dragon could then see the way to his egg and that is why the glow worm glow.

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